• Israeli stocks, as defined by the BlueStar Israel Global Index® (BIGI®), declined 2.41% in the third quarter of 2022, outperforming developed international equities by 6.88%, as measured by MSCI EAFE.
  • Israeli technology stocks, as defined by the BlueStar Israel Global Technology Index™ (BIGITech®), lost 3.06% in Q3, underperforming the Dow Jones US Tech and S&P Global Tech indexes for the quarter but retaining their lead year-to-date.
  • Mobileye became a publicly-traded company for the second time in early Q4 following its successful IPO at a valuation of more than $16.5 billion USD, Wall Street’s largest IPO in 2022.
  • Domestically-oriented Israeli stocks continued to outperform their globally-oriented peers as they reach overbought levels on a relative basis.
  • Israel’s geopolitical position continued to improve in Q3 after reaching an historic agreement with Lebanon after a decade-long dispute with Lebanon over its shared maritime border.

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