Frankfurt (9 September 2021)MV Index Solutions GmbH (MVIS®) today announced the launch of the MVIS Global Future of Food Index (ticker: MVFOF).

The MVIS Global Future of Food Index (ticker: MVFOF) tracks the performance of global companies involved in food and agricultural technology, organic foods, or food companies that display high standards in food waste, food safety or environmental impact. The index includes companies that generate at least 50% of their revenue from the plant-based or cultured meat, protein or dairy alternatives, vertical or urban farming, precision agriculture, food flavors and functional ingredients, organic or health foods. In addition, the index comprises the companies that meet certain ESG standards related to the sustainability and safety of the food and agriculture.

The MVIS Global Future of Food Index (ticker: MVFOF) is weighted by free float market capitalisation and is calculated in USD as a price index and a total return net index and reviewed on a quarterly basis. Capping factors are applied to avoid overweighting of single index components. Detailed information about the index, including methodology details and index data, is available on the MV Index Solutions website.

Press Release