Frankfurt (24 August 2021) –MV Index Solutions GmbH (MVIS®) today announced the launch of the BlueStar Top 10 US Office REITs Index (ticker: BUORT) and the BlueStar Top 10 US-Listed Alternative Asset Managers Index (ticker: BUALT).
The BlueStar Top 10 US Office REITs Index (ticker: BUORT) tracks the performance of the 10 largest and most liquid US-listed companies that are in the Office REIT segment. To be considered for the index, the company must be domiciled, incorporated, or headquartered in the United States, listed on a US exchange, and denominated in USD. Additionally, the index only includes companies that generate at least 50% of their revenue or real estate asset value from office buildings located in the US.
The BlueStar Top 10 US-Listed Alternative Asset Managers Index (ticker: BUALT) tracks the performance of the 10 largest and most liquid US-listed companies that are in the Alternative Asset Management segment. The index only includes companies that are listed on a US exchange and denominated in USD, and generate at least 75% of their revenue or operating assets from the management of, or investments in, Alternative Assets. Alternative Assets are non-publicly-traded investments, such as but not limited to: privately-held companies, such as private equity or venture capital equity, real estate assets, or infrastructure assets. The index may include business development companies, but doesn’t consider companies that provide financing to alternative asset managers or consultants who provide advisory services to asset owners.
The BlueStar Top 10 US Office REITs Index (ticker: BUORT) and the BlueStar Top 10 US-Listed Alternative Asset Managers Index (ticker: BUALT) are modified market cap-weighted indices and are reviewed on a semi-annual basis. The indices are calculated in USD as a price index, a total return gross index, and a total return net index.
Detailed information about the indices, including methodology details and index data, is available on the MV Index Solutions website.
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