Frankfurt (23 October 2020) – MV Index Solutions GmbH (MVIS®) today launched the BlueStar Global Logistics Benchmark Index (ticker: BLOGTNTR) and the BlueStar Global Logistics Index (ticker: BLOGRNTR).

The Indices track the performance of the global logistics and logistics technology themes. This includes companies with at least 50% (25% for current components) of their revenue or operating assets operating in the logistics industry following sub-themes. Sub-themes are representative of groups of companies offering distinct products or services related to a theme.

“Logistics enables the smooth and steady growth of trade and e-commerce,  ensuring the speed, efficiency and reliability of the world’s essential supply chains”, said Steven Schoenfeld, CEO of MV Index Solutions.  “We are very pleased to launch two first-of-their-kind indices tracking the companies leading the expansion of supply chain logistics, indices that deliver exposure to firms providing critical services that are the foundation of world trade and economic growth.” 

The BlueStar Global Logistics Benchmark Index (ticker:BLOGTNTR) is weighted by float-adjusted  market capitalisation and is calculated in EUR as a price and a total return net index. Capping factors are applied to avoid an overweighting of single index companies. The index is reviewed on a semi-annual basis rebalanced according to the Fixed Tier Equal Weighting (as defined in the Equity Index Guide Section 3.2.).

The BlueStar Global Logistics Index (ticker: BLOGRNTR) is weighted by float-adjusted  market capitalisation and is calculated in EUR as a price and a total return net index. Capping factors are applied to avoid an overweighting of single index companies. The index is reviewed on a semi-annual basis In addition, the sub-theme weights of this index are reviewed on a weekly basis and rebalanced based on a “Trigger Event” (“Ad-hoc rebalance”).

Detailed information about the Indices, including methodology details and index data, are available on the MV Index Solutions website.