Frankfurt (1 March 2021)MV Index Solutions GmbH (MVIS®) today announced the launch of the  BlueStar E-Commerce, Payments, and Logistics Index (ticker: BECLG).

The BlueStar E-Commerce, Payment and Logistics Index tracks the performance of the global logistics, logistics technology, e-commerce, payment and electronic payment processing themes. This includes companies with at least 50% of their revenue or operating assets operating in the logistics or e-commerce themes.

“The BlueStar E-Commerce, Payments, and Logistics Index provides investors with exposure to the complete e-commerce ecosystem. It goes without saying that E-Commerce is a trend that is here to stay, so combining it with the infrastructure of e-commerce including online payments, and logistics-related services and technology companies is a logical way to add diversification and capture all the beneficiaries of this transformational theme,” said Josh Kaplan, Global Head of Research & Investment Strategy at MV Index Solutions.

The BlueStar E-Commerce, Payments, and Logistics Index (ticker: BECLG) is weighted by float-adjusted market capitalisation and is calculated in USD as a price and a total return net index. The index rebalances tier weights based on a proprietary signal and is reviewed on a semi-annual basis. In addition, the sub-theme weights of this index are reviewed on a weekly basis and rebalanced based on a “Trigger Event” (“Ad-hoc rebalance”). Detailed information about the indices, including methodology details and index data are available on the MV Index Solutions website.

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