MV Index Solutions GmbH (MVIS) today announced the monthly review results of the MVIS Long/Short Equity Index review. The following table shows a summary of the results for all MVIS Long/Short Equity Indices.

The following changes will be implemented on 30 June 2016 and will become effective on the next trading day.

Index Additions Deletions Total Components New Base Weight
MVIS Asia (Dev) Long/Short Equity 0 0 5 Yes
MVIS EM Long/Short Equity 1 0 5 Yes
MVIS Global Event Long/Short Equity 4 4 7 Yes
MVIS Global Long/Short Equity 1 3 5 Yes
MVIS North America Long/Short Equity 2 2 6 Yes
MVIS Western Europe Long/Short Equity 0 0 6 Yes

A complete list of components and weights is available for download for registered users.

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