MarketVector IndexesTM ("MarketVector") announced the results of the monthly MVIS® and Bluestar® Bond Index review.

The following changes will be implemented on December 29, 2023 (MBILB on December 28, 2023), and will become effective on the next trading day.

IndexTickerAdditionsDeletionsTotal Components
BlueStar® US HY (3.5-6.5 Year) BondBUSHYTR2626100
MCM-BlueStar® Israel Bonds IndexMBILB2235
MVIS® Moody's Analytics US BBB Corporate BondMVBI1511375
MVIS® Moody's Analytics US Investment Grade Corporate BondMVCI1715504
MVIS® US Investment Grade Floating RateMVFLTR126124


A complete list of components and weights is available for download for registered users.    

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