Market Vectors Index Solutions GmbH (MVIS) today announced the monthly review results of the Market Vectors Long/Short Equity Index review. The following table shows a summary of the results for all Market Vectors Long/Short Equity Indices.

As of 1 July 2015 the following changes will be effective:

Index Additions Deletions Total Components New Base Weight
Market Vectors Asia (Dev) Long/Short Equity 3 2 6 Yes
Market Vectors EM Long/Short Equity 3 3 6 Yes
Market Vectors Global Event Long/Short Equity 4 4 7 Yes
Market Vectors Global Long/Short Equity 5 4 7 Yes
Market Vectors North America Long/Short Equity 2 2 7 Yes
Market Vectors Western Europe Long/Short Equity 2 3 6 Yes

A complete list of components and weights is available for download for registered users.

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