Frankfurt (17 September 2021)MV Index Solutions GmbH (MVIS®) in partnership with CryptoCompare, the global leader in digital asset data, today announced the licensing of the MVIS CryptoCompare Solana VWAP Close Index (ticker: MVSOLV), the MVIS CryptoCompare Polkadot VWAP Close Index (ticker: MVDOTV), and the MVIS CryptoCompare TRON VWAP Close Index (ticker: MVTRXV) to VanEck Europe as underlying indices for their three new crypto ETNs (Exchange Traded Notes) with MVIS. These products will provide investors with the opportunity to participate in the development of Solana, Polkadot, and TRON on an exchange-traded basis.

The three indices are designed to measure the performance of the respective digital assets - Solana, Polkadot and TRON, with a closing value based on an hourly Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP).

“We are happy VanEck has licensed another three digital assets indices given the success of their products based on the MVIS CryptoCompare Bitcoin VWAP Close and MVIS CryptoCompare Ethereum VWAP Close indices,” said Thomas Kettner, COO at MV Index Solutions.

VanEck focuses on smart contract platforms - programs that are stored on a blockchain that are executed automatically when predefined conditions are met. This allows for the automation of workflows and the triggering of predefined actions without the need for an intermediary. Smart contracts have the potential to enable improved contract processes and can create completely new business models. The best-known example of such a platform is Ethereum with its integrated cryptocurrency Ether.

“Ethereum continues to grow in popularity, but younger platforms also offer many advantages, such as lower transaction costs or faster processes,” said Martijn Rozemuller, CEO at VanEck Europe.

“We’re thrilled to announce the licensing of our MVSOLV, MVDOTV and MVTRXV indices, in partnership with MVIS, to VanEck Europe. These indices will provide investors with another means of gaining exposure to some of the most popular digital assets available on the market today, and further address the growing demand for regulated digital asset investment products,” said Charles Hayter, CEO and Co-Founder of CryptoCompare.

The MVIS CryptoCompare Solana VWAP Close Index (ticker: MVSOLV), MVIS CryptoCompare Polkadot VWAP Close Index (ticker: MVDOTV) and the MVIS CryptoCompare TRON VWAP Close Index (ticker: MVTRXV) are rules-based indexes which cover the broadest CCCAGG pricing provided by CryptoCompare, calculated in USD as price return indices.

Detailed information about the Indices, including methodology details and index data, is available on the MV Index Solutions website.

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